11 Tips To Create A Powerful Personal Brand Online

11 Tips To Create A Powerful Personal Brand OnlineHave you Googled your name lately?

Are you happy with the current state of the results that showcase your personal brand in the search results?

It doesn’t matter if you are looking for a job or you have a business that you want to grow, people want to know who you are…your personal brand tells them exactly that.

There has never been a time in history where building a solid personal brand has been more important.

Just like brands, you as an individual need to share who you are, what matters to you and your vision for the future in a clear and cohesive way.

People whom you have never met and who could have an enormous impact on your future, will judge you based on your online presence.

This is especially true if you are currently job hunting or working towards getting your dream job. But it’s just as relevant for business owners, professional service providers and entrepreneurs.

Gone are the days when employers were limited to learning about you through the carefully controlled environment of your resume or CV and an interview. Employers now have the ability to check you out in your natural environment – social media.

A quick Google check of your name will promptly bring up all of your social media profiles for any curious potential employers or potential clients. Here they can see not only your social media profiles but any posts, tweets or updates that are publicly shared.

You will be judged by what they see including the tone, frequency and quality of your posts and shares.

So whether you are seeking new clients or searching for a new job, don’t neglect the invaluable opportunity you have to further impress and convince potential employers or clients that you are “the” person they need.

In the infographic below, Headway Capital shares 11 powerful tips you can use to build your personal brand online.

How To Build A Personal Brand Online


11 Tips To Create A Powerful Personal Brand Online

Shared with permission from Headway Capital

Wrapping Up

The beauty of the information shared in this infographic, is that these tips are not just ideal for anyone job hunting, but can be used by anyone that wants to create a strong personal brand such as entrepreneurs, professionals, coaches, trainers, speakers and anyone in sales.

What does your personal brand online say about you? Have you ever made a made a judgement about someone based on what you see in their social media profiles? Let me know in the comments below.

The post 11 Tips To Create A Powerful Personal Brand Online appeared first on Top Dog Social Media.

Contributer : Top Dog Social Media http://ift.tt/2e0VXku
11 Tips To Create A Powerful Personal Brand Online 11 Tips To Create A Powerful Personal Brand Online Reviewed by mimisabreena on Thursday, October 20, 2016 Rating: 5

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