She Knew Everything Would Be Okay When Her Premature Baby Flashed An Enormous Smile

When Lauren Vinje's baby was born prematurely, weighing just under four pounds, she knew they had a hard battle ahead of them. With preemies, every day brings new challenges and although the atmosphere in the hospital was heavy, the little one flashed a smile five days after her birth that changed everything. Vinje writes, "This picture was one I looked at often to get me through the ups and downs of our NICU days. Life is so precious." Facebook / Love What Matters When her adorable image was shared by Love What Matters, other moms decided to share their stories,...

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She Knew Everything Would Be Okay When Her Premature Baby Flashed An Enormous Smile She Knew Everything Would Be Okay When Her Premature Baby Flashed An Enormous Smile Reviewed by mimisabreena on Sunday, October 30, 2016 Rating: 5

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