Baby Sitter GetsIn Trouble Just For Allowing A Toddler Have Fun – What Do you Think?

It is quite unfortunate that a moment of misjudgment can make an adorable situation to end in the wrong manner. That explains why many cases of parent shaming have been so popular nowadays. The clip below features one of those unfortunate situations. Courtney Stewart comes from Erksine, Scotland and has a son who is 2 years of age. Her son has Down syndrome. While babysitting another kid with Down syndrome, the boy got carried away with the washing machine she had. Since nothing was in the appliance and it was not plugged in, she allowed the boy to climb into it and help the door gently so as to involve the boy. She knew the boy was safe and took some photos and posted on Facebook just to make fun of the moment. But when a stranger saw the pictures, everything went wrong. The police showed up and a neighbor tried to assault her for her actions. Please watch the entire story in the clip below and let us know what you think about it. Please SHARE with all! [video_player]

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Contributer : Viral Stories
Baby Sitter GetsIn Trouble Just For Allowing A Toddler Have Fun – What Do you Think? Baby Sitter GetsIn Trouble Just For Allowing A Toddler Have Fun – What Do you Think? Reviewed by mimisabreena on Sunday, January 01, 2017 Rating: 5

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