Dog Rescues and Adopts A Freezing Kitty. This Is So Touching –WOW!

We’ve come across many videos and stories of animals of different species bonding with other species, but this story here will surely blow your mind away. It’s even hard to believe! So one day, this dog owner is checking her barn when she bumps into this seemingly lifeless kitty body. The human, Patricia Webber, doesn’t give it much thought as it seems the cat is already dead,but her dog, Mittens, has other ideas. Mittens starts licking the little kitty, and then it happens. It moves! Turns out, the kitten wasn’t really dead yet, and guess what? Mittens decided to adopt the little cat. In fact, the dog started producing milk for her new baby the next day! This is just amazing. You need to watch it all and make sure to hit that SHARE button right away. People need to see this! [video_player]

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Dog Rescues and Adopts A Freezing Kitty. This Is So Touching –WOW! Dog Rescues and Adopts A Freezing Kitty. This Is So Touching –WOW! Reviewed by mimisabreena on Wednesday, January 25, 2017 Rating: 5

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