She Sprays Her Window With Water And Sticks Bubble Wrap To It For A Genius Hack

Unfortunately, many of us still have months of cold weather and expensive electric bills ahead. However, with this simple trick from an Alaskan grandmother, you can keep your house warm without breaking the bank. No one likes to be cold. Being from one of the chilliest regions in America, AlaskaGranny knows a thing or two about staying toasty! And luckily for us, this winter hack of hers costs next to nothing. Forget space heaters and pricey insulation -- all you need to survive the cold is some Bubble Wrap and water. Check out the process below. It's almost too simple...

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She Sprays Her Window With Water And Sticks Bubble Wrap To It For A Genius Hack She Sprays Her Window With Water And Sticks Bubble Wrap To It For A Genius Hack Reviewed by mimisabreena on Wednesday, January 18, 2017 Rating: 5

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