She Wanted The Dog To Trust Her, So Did The Unthinkable, The Result? WOW!

Arnie had no family or home when he was seen by a volunteer outside a gas station in Athens. The helper took photos of the dog so he could assist in the future. After two days, a volunteer from the Orphan Pet’s two joined in the mission to rescue the homeless dog. They succeeded to locate Arnie as he strolled in between vehicles at the gas station. When they approached the dog, it was not as planned; he was unfriendly and reluctant to take their assistance. The rescuers were strangers to him. Gradually, the volunteer lady got closer to Arnie, but he was still hesitant. The woman requested to be alone with Arnie, and that is when something happened. After an hour, the volunteer gained the dog’s trust and was able to rescue him and find medical care. Arnie began her his second chance life immediately after the rescue. Watch his incredible change and SHARE with friends on Facebook this amazing story. [video_player]

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Contributer : Viral Stories
She Wanted The Dog To Trust Her, So Did The Unthinkable, The Result? WOW! She Wanted The Dog To Trust Her, So Did The Unthinkable, The Result? WOW! Reviewed by mimisabreena on Monday, January 23, 2017 Rating: 5

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