This Little Boy Just Went To The Zoo And Had A Realization We Can All Agree With

"They're not being naughty! They just want to get out." Most kids love going to the zoo, but when three-year-old Ollie Augustus saw animals behind bars for the first time, he had a completely different reaction. Although he's just a toddler, he has some insights that are wise beyond his years. Luckily, Mom and Dad were there to film his adorable rant. If everyone had as much empathy as Ollie, the world would be a much better place for humans and animals alike. Listen to Ollie's heartfelt criticism of the zoo industry in the video below. Read More: These 10...

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This Little Boy Just Went To The Zoo And Had A Realization We Can All Agree With This Little Boy Just Went To The Zoo And Had A Realization We Can All Agree With Reviewed by mimisabreena on Friday, January 20, 2017 Rating: 5

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