It Took Him 68 Years and an Abusive Father to Make This STUNNING Discovery – OMG!

Stars still shine even when we are not looking.  Well, one 78-year-old from Chicago had a talent that his family members and friends never knew existed. In 1948, Norman Malone discovered his musical talent. He loved playing the piano, but his abusive father almost killed him. Norman’s father hit Norman on the head with a hammer, fracturing hisskull and leaving him partly paralyzed on his right side. Norman spent several months in hospital and therapy, but his love for the piano never died. Even though he uses his left hand only, he continues to play the keys. Playing written compositions for the left hand is technical, but Norman has perfected the skill over time. Norman became a   celebrated choral instructor in Chicago. Watch Norman’s story of passion and SHARE on Facebook! [video_player]

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It Took Him 68 Years and an Abusive Father to Make This STUNNING Discovery – OMG! It Took Him 68 Years and an Abusive Father to Make This STUNNING Discovery – OMG! Reviewed by mimisabreena on Thursday, March 16, 2017 Rating: 5

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