Man Digs A Hole in His Backyard, But Nobody Expected Him To Do THIS… Amazing!

Wayne Martin had plenty of space in his backyard. He devised an ingenious plan that most of you will love. Martin created an underground shelter. He dug a large hole and got a 20-foot-long shipping container. The container would be transformed into an underground shelter. Martin did most of the work, but he enlisted the help of the septic company.  In the video below, Wayne shares the tips and directions. The project cost him $12,500. However, Wayne reminds us he did most of the work and had his tractor. All in all, the project would be cheaper as compared to hiring a company. It is a great idea for the DIY lovers. Watch the video below for detailed instructions on how to create the wine cellar or underground shelter. Please leave a comment and SHARE on Facebook! [video_player]

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Contributer : Viral Stories
Man Digs A Hole in His Backyard, But Nobody Expected Him To Do THIS… Amazing! Man Digs A Hole in His Backyard, But Nobody Expected Him To Do THIS… Amazing! Reviewed by mimisabreena on Saturday, April 29, 2017 Rating: 5

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