They Found A Medicine Recipe From The Dark Ages And Made A Shocking Realization

With all the advances being made in modern medicine, you'd never think that we'd need to look to the past for answers to our current medical issues, but scientists just found something amazing in an old medieval text. Microbes have evolved to become antibiotic resistant, which makes finding new antibiotics a never-ending job as our current ones become ineffective. Because of this, about 700,000 people die worldwide every year from drug-resistant infections. The number of deaths may even increase to tens of millions by 2050. That's why the Ancientbiotics team -- a group of medievalists, microbiologists, medicinal chemists, parasitologists, pharmacists,...

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They Found A Medicine Recipe From The Dark Ages And Made A Shocking Realization They Found A Medicine Recipe From The Dark Ages And Made A Shocking Realization Reviewed by mimisabreena on Sunday, April 30, 2017 Rating: 5

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