They Told The Kids To Look Under The Tree, It Was The Best Christmas Surprise Ever!

Christmas is the season for spreading love and hitting people with nice surprises. The couple featured in this story knew exactly what to do to their daughters, and they pulled it off seamlessly! Steve and Courtney had 3 daughters. They had always wanted a son, so they had made a decision to adopt one. The daughters knew of the decision, but they had no idea of when it was happening. One day, their parents went out on a date. Turns out, the date was no date! The couple came home with a little baby and placed him under the Christmas tree, and then they called the kids and told them to look. Now wait for that special moment when the kids find little baby Nathan tucked in there. It’s all love and sparks! This is too nice to skip, please watch and SHARE! [video_player]

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Contributer : Viral Stories
They Told The Kids To Look Under The Tree, It Was The Best Christmas Surprise Ever! They Told The Kids To Look Under The Tree, It Was The Best Christmas Surprise Ever! Reviewed by mimisabreena on Thursday, April 27, 2017 Rating: 5

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