Guys dressed as Ronald McDonald troll a KFC


Everyone has their go-to fast food place, but not everyone will dress up as his or her favorite fast food icon and protest at a competing chain.

In the video below, a woman whipped out her phone to record a group of guys dressed as Ronald McDonald passionately chanting in front of a KFC at a fleet services in the UK.

The group of boisterous Ronald's chant, "You're shit and you know you are!"

After a few rounds of that, they switch to, "We hate KFC! We hate KFC!"

Now that is dedication... as well as inebriation.

More about Funny, Kfc, Mcdonalds, Uk, and Watercooler

COntributer : Mashable

Guys dressed as Ronald McDonald troll a KFC Guys dressed as Ronald McDonald troll a KFC Reviewed by mimisabreena on Tuesday, May 02, 2017 Rating: 5

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