The sound of a spacecraft passing between Saturn and its rings is straight out of 'Alien'


On April 26, NASA's Cassini spacecraft shot between Saturn and its innermost ring, going where no human-made object has gone before.

Cassini has already made some new discoveries thanks to its dive through the ring plane. One of those insights is that the area between the planet and its rings "sounds" different than other parts of space surrounding Saturn. 

According to new audio files released by NASA, the 1,500-mile-wide gap between Saturn and its distinctive rings actually sounds pretty empty.  Read more...

More about Space Exploration, Space Videos, Space Photos, Saturn, and Cassini

COntributer : Mashable

The sound of a spacecraft passing between Saturn and its rings is straight out of 'Alien' The sound of a spacecraft passing between Saturn and its rings is straight out of 'Alien' Reviewed by mimisabreena on Wednesday, May 03, 2017 Rating: 5

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