Movie trailers have an effective new strategy you might not have noticed


Even the trailers have trailers now.

As movie marketing gets finely chopped into ever smaller bites — check out this motion-graphic teaser for the release date of the character posters! — studios have found a new way to seize your attention during the critical first few seconds of their biggest, most important reveals: online trailers.

They're called "bumpers" — usually an action-crammed, lightning-fast five seconds or less, followed by a title card with the release dateThen the trailer really begins.

So instead of kicking off with a static studio logo or quiet fade-in, you see something like this right off the bat: Read more...

More about Marketing, Movies, Hollywood, Movie Trailers, and Wonder Woman

COntributer : Mashable

Movie trailers have an effective new strategy you might not have noticed Movie trailers have an effective new strategy you might not have noticed Reviewed by mimisabreena on Monday, June 19, 2017 Rating: 5

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