This musical remix of the UK Prime Minister is hilariously brutal


It's been just over a year since Cassetteboy — the comedy YouTuber known for remixing politicians' words to a musical backdrop — last posted a video on his channel. 

It's always worth the wait, though.

This time around he's taking aim at UK Prime Minister Theresa May, with a remix of Notorious B.I.G's "Mo Money Mo Problems". Here's a snapshot of the chorus:

"I don't know why/
People vote for me.
It's like/
The more policies/
I talk about/
The more problems/
You see."


More about Politics, Uk, Funny, Remix, and Cassetteboy

COntributer : Mashable

This musical remix of the UK Prime Minister is hilariously brutal This musical remix of the UK Prime Minister is hilariously brutal Reviewed by mimisabreena on Tuesday, June 06, 2017 Rating: 5

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