London Tube ditches 'ladies and gentlemen' greetings in the name of gender inclusion


"Ladies and gentlemen…"

If you frequent public transit, you're probably used to hearing this booming, gendered greeting over loudspeakers. But London Tube travelers are starting to hear a new greeting that hopes to welcome transgender, nonbinary, and gender-nonconforming commuters.

The familiar phrase "ladies and gentlemen" is being removed from announcements on the London's Underground's service in favor of a more gender-inclusive greeting.

Tube staff will now use greetings like, "Good morning, everyone," to preface announcements. All pre-recorded announcements will also be updated to feature gender-inclusive language.  Read more...

More about Uk, London, Gender, Social Good, and Transgender

COntributer : Mashable

London Tube ditches 'ladies and gentlemen' greetings in the name of gender inclusion London Tube ditches 'ladies and gentlemen' greetings in the name of gender inclusion Reviewed by mimisabreena on Friday, July 14, 2017 Rating: 5

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