Eric and Donald Trump Jr. stop by SNL's Weekend Update to talk about the neat stuff their father's doing


It seems as though so much has happened in the world since the Saturday Night Live season finale, and we've been itching to hear what the cast has, undoubtedly, been busting at the seams to say about all that's gone on.

Well, Saturday Night Live has heard our prayers — they couldn't just go through this entire summer without a peep about the madness. So, they've gifted us with Weekend Update: Summer Edition to hold us over until September. And they've got some pretty special guests to kick things off.

Eric and Donald Trump Jr. stopped by the update desk to talk about all the really amazing things their father has done so far, until Eric brings up Donald Jr.'s alleged collusion with Russia. He's quickly shut up with a fidget spinner that he doesn't quite know how to use, while Don Jr. uses a To Catch a Predator reference to justify his actions. Read more...

More about Watercooler, Donald Trump, Saturday Night Live, Donald Trump Jr., and Eric Trump

COntributer : Mashable

Eric and Donald Trump Jr. stop by SNL's Weekend Update to talk about the neat stuff their father's doing Eric and Donald Trump Jr. stop by SNL's Weekend Update to talk about the neat stuff their father's doing Reviewed by mimisabreena on Friday, August 11, 2017 Rating: 5

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