Tattoo parlor wants to give you a random tattoo via a bubblegum machine


Here's a cool new way for all the indecisive (but adventurous) people to get the tattoo of their dreams.

Starting this week, Elm Street Tattoo in Dallas, Texas, will randomly pick your tattoo design for you if you're up for the surprise. 

You will get that design out of a coin-operated machine, just like the ones at the mall you used to buy bubble gum from as a kid.

The process is pretty simple: Artists at the shop sketch tattoo designs, place it in a capsule, and then put it into the machine for a brave client to draw at random.

More about Watercooler, Tattoos, Vending Machines, Culture, and Web Culture

COntributer : Mashable

Tattoo parlor wants to give you a random tattoo via a bubblegum machine Tattoo parlor wants to give you a random tattoo via a bubblegum machine Reviewed by mimisabreena on Saturday, August 12, 2017 Rating: 5

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