Plastic surgeon “redesigns” pretty wife from head to toe. Wait and see her new look

Dr. Philip Craft is a plastic surgeon who met his wife in 1995. Philip was studying medicine at the time when the two met at agift shop.

Philip and Anna married and started a family. Philip was interested in giving his wife cosmetic surgery. At first, she was reluctant. However, after the birth of their second son in 2005, Anna finally gave in to Philips’ interest.

Anna didnot loveher post-baby belly and lost her sense of beauty. Anna assisted her husband at his clinic and was amazed how pretty women in their 60s looked like; thanks to her husband.

It was then that Philip started “redesigning” his wife. 11 years later, Anna has undergone a breast augmentation, butt enhancement, tummy tuck, and liposuction among other procedures. Philip is proud of giving Anna her dream body.

Anna is the in-house model for Philip’s patients.

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Plastic surgeon “redesigns” pretty wife from head to toe. Wait and see her new look Plastic surgeon “redesigns” pretty wife from head to toe. Wait and see her new look Reviewed by mimisabreena on Sunday, October 01, 2017 Rating: 5

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