A UPS Driver Heard A Cry For Help And Called The Police, But The Victim Shocked Them

When you're a delivery driver, I'm sure you see and hear lots of crazy things. If you were walking around dropping off packages and heard persistent cries of, "Help me! Help me!" that sounded like an elderly person who needed some help, you'd probably help them, right? That's exactly what happened to one UPS driver, so he called his wife and asked her to alert the authorities. When police showed up, the "victim" wasn't even human. This is Diego, and he's a 41-year-old parrot who can do impressions of dogs, cats, and a few human phrases, including, you guessed it:...

Contributer : ViralNova.com http://ift.tt/2hKbdrp
A UPS Driver Heard A Cry For Help And Called The Police, But The Victim Shocked Them A UPS Driver Heard A Cry For Help And Called The Police, But The Victim Shocked Them Reviewed by mimisabreena on Monday, November 20, 2017 Rating: 5

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