Filipina-American Mom and Child Assaulted By White Woman at Target

A Filipina-American mother carrying her two-year-old child received no help after enduring verbal and physical abuse from a White woman at Target just before Christmas.

In a series of tweets posted on Dec. 24, Lisa Factora-Borchers recalled the incident that shook her and her toddler while shopping at a Target branch:

“A White woman was taunting me while in line at Target. When I didn’t engage, she pushed her cart into me and my two-year-old who I was holding. I yell not to touch my child and that I wanted security.”

It didn’t take long before Factora-Borchers realized she was all by herself.

“I’m pulled out of line while the woman escapes. Eighty folks watching, not one person helped,” she tweeted.

In her twitter thread, Factora-Borchers explained that she had no choice but to act in rage. She also stressed that perpetrators — White aggressors — always get away in such experiences:

What made the situation worse, however, is the fact that nobody came to her aid:

Factora-Borchers’s posts have been retweeted thousands of times, with many expressing their support:

Others claimed a different story and criticized her decision to take things to Twitter, but many came to her defense:

What are your thoughts on this issue? Would you help another person in a similar situation?

Featured Images (Collaged): Lisa Factora-Borchers | Flickr / frankieleon (CC BY 2.0)

The post Filipina-American Mom and Child Assaulted By White Woman at Target appeared first on NextShark.

Contributer : NextShark

Filipina-American Mom and Child Assaulted By White Woman at Target Filipina-American Mom and Child Assaulted By White Woman at Target Reviewed by mimisabreena on Wednesday, December 27, 2017 Rating: 5

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