Missouri Woman A‌rre‌st‌ed After Trashing Vietnamese-Owned Nail Salon During Meltdown

A woman who trashed a nail salon in Missouri has been a‌rre‌st‌ed a few days after surveillance footage was shared online.

Hazelwood Po‌lic‌e Department responded to a call they received on June 22 about a woman who trashed Happy Nails Salon at 6821 Howdershell Road in Hazelwood, Missouri, according to the department’s Facebook post.

Unsatisfied with the service she received at Happy Nails Salon, the woman reportedly d‌est‌roy‌ed some items inside the salon and pushed over a display of nail polish.

Surveillance footage posted on Facebook shows different angles of the incident.

She was offered a repair or refund but she was still not satisfied with the options. We offered to refund and take Nails off. She wanted a new set with the refund,” the owner of Happy Nail Salon, Sara Nguyen, wrote in her Facebook post.

“She returned 4 hours later, using very foul language around other customers and vandalized the nail salon. I have contacted the Hazelwood P‌olic‌e D‌epartment.”

Days after the video was shared on social media, the Hazelwood Pol‌ice‌ Department announced that they a‌rr‌es‌ted the woman.

Hazelwood Po‌li‌‌ce Officer’s made an a‌rr‌es‌t in the investigation of property damage at Happy Nails, 6821 Howdershell Road. Warrant application will be made after we receive and itemized list of items damaged,” the po‌li ce department wrote.

“Thanks to those who have provided information which helped up solve this case.”

Featured Image via Facebook / Sara Nguyen

The post Missouri Woman A‌rre‌st‌ed After Trashing Vietnamese-Owned Nail Salon During Meltdown appeared first on NextShark.

Contributer : NextShark

Missouri Woman A‌rre‌st‌ed After Trashing Vietnamese-Owned Nail Salon During Meltdown Missouri Woman A‌rre‌st‌ed After Trashing Vietnamese-Owned Nail Salon During Meltdown Reviewed by mimisabreena on Monday, July 02, 2018 Rating: 5

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