7 ways 'The Simpsons' predicted the chaos of Donald Trump's presidency


The Simpsons has given us some of the best satire of the century — and it turns out it also predicted the Trump administration and the unprecedentedly weird timeline it would bring.

As the show enters its 30th season, it has managed to foreshadow plenty of random things that were to come. And, when it comes to politics, it somehow managed to churn out episodes that, in hindsight, forewarned us of the chaos that was to come under a Trump administration. Behold, the fortune told by an animated family. 

A house divided 

If nothing else, The Simpsons nailed how divisive elections can be with their 1990 episode, "Two Cars in Every Garage and Three Eyes on Every Fish," in which the family is split on gubernatorial candidates for Springfield's state. But where it gets pretty on-the-nose in retrospect is how the episode played out. Read more...

More about Donald Trump, The Simpsons, Culture, Movies Tv Shows, and Politics

COntributer : Mashable https://ift.tt/2xrDNln

7 ways 'The Simpsons' predicted the chaos of Donald Trump's presidency 7 ways 'The Simpsons' predicted the chaos of Donald Trump's presidency Reviewed by mimisabreena on Tuesday, September 18, 2018 Rating: 5

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