Staten Harry is the internet's cutest lip-sync star


This is Ode To..., a weekly column where we share the stuff we're really into in hopes that you'll be really into it, too.

It always warms my heart to see a fiercely fearless kid. Take, for example, Staten Harry, an incredible lip-sync assassin in-the-making and Lady Gaga super fan who loves to upload videos of himself lip syncing to Mother Monster.

Staten Harry became an internet sensation after he started uploading his performances to Twitter, and his amazing lip-sync skills and positive aura have earned him thousands of fans. Read more...

More about Twitter, Viral, Lady Gaga, Lip Sync, and An Ode To

COntributer : Mashable

Staten Harry is the internet's cutest lip-sync star Staten Harry is the internet's cutest lip-sync star Reviewed by mimisabreena on Wednesday, October 03, 2018 Rating: 5

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