Late night hosts are hammering Trump's racism after his weekend of attacks


"Another weekend, another racist outburst from our racist president."

Late night hosts had plenty to work with on Monday night, with Donald Trump's public appearances over the last weekend of July providing a wealth of wildly inappropriate, offensive, and delusional tweets and soundbites.

There was the threat to impose tariffs on French wine in retaliation for the European nation's new taxes on big tech companies — and the stated preference, from the famous teetotaler, for American wines over French because of how they look. 

There was the thing where he blamed Obama for the White House aircon being too cold.  Read more...

More about Racism, Late Night, Stephen Colbert, Trump, and Late Night With Seth Meyers

COntributer : Mashable

Late night hosts are hammering Trump's racism after his weekend of attacks Late night hosts are hammering Trump's racism after his weekend of attacks Reviewed by mimisabreena on Tuesday, July 30, 2019 Rating: 5

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