Stephen Colbert roasts U.S. senators for only having one (or two) black friends

Stephen Colbert roasts U.S. senators for only having one (or two) black friends

"The Senate GOP is like the kids in Peanuts," said Late Show host Stephen Colbert on Wednesday. "They have one black friend, but he's gotta sit on the other side of the table."

U.S. politicians are discussing police reform as protests against police brutality and racism continue, sparked by the death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police. To this end, Republicans have tapped their only black senator, Tim Scott, to draft legislation on the issue.

"Nothing says you're really concerned about racism like, 'Let's make the black guy fix it,'" quipped Colbert.

Democrats have also been examining the issue, introducing a reform plan that will strip police of immunity as well as outlawing both no-knock warrants and chokeholds. However, Colbert notes "the much more woke and inclusive Senate Democrats" aren't doing much better when it comes to diversity, with "a whopping two black members."  Read more...

More about Police, Donald Trump, Stephen Colbert, The Late Show With Stephen Colbert, and Police Brutality

COntributer : Mashable

Stephen Colbert roasts U.S. senators for only having one (or two) black friends Stephen Colbert roasts U.S. senators for only having one (or two) black friends Reviewed by mimisabreena on Thursday, June 11, 2020 Rating: 5

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