With the Yoga Wake Up app, you'll never need to hit 'snooze' again

With the Yoga Wake Up app, you'll never need to hit 'snooze' again

Work(out) From Home is a weekly column where we review smart fitness machines and apps in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak. Thanks to technology, there are still plenty of ways to exercise if your gym is closed.

Let's face it, the last couple of weeks have been really difficult. And, it's likely that a lot of us aren't in the mood to work out — myself included. 

With my brain all over the place, I needed something fairly light for the week. Enter Yoga Wake Up, an app that allows you to practice yoga from your bed. Considering that it was particularly tough to get out of bed this week, I figured it was the perfect choice. Read more...

More about Apps, Fitness, Yoga, Meditation, and Exercise Apps

COntributer : Mashable https://ift.tt/2YxXkxN

With the Yoga Wake Up app, you'll never need to hit 'snooze' again With the Yoga Wake Up app, you'll never need to hit 'snooze' again Reviewed by mimisabreena on Sunday, June 14, 2020 Rating: 5

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