Homeless Man Requests A Favor From A Stranger Before He Dies, This Left Me Touched!

Jenine-Lacette DShazer came across an unhappy street man holding a dog in the cold, and she couldn’t stop drawing near him. His name was Clifford James Herbert. Cliff, who owns a mechanic shop, lost his farm job in 2006. He became incapable of working due to cancer and only had some weeks to live. He had saved Baby, the dog, from an unkind owner who beat her with a flashlight. They spent their nights on the streets together. Cliff had no option than to ask the stranger to grant his last wish; to get a new and an affectionate home for Baby. Jenine-Lacette, therefore, put up a GoFundMe Page to get them all out of the streets. Moreover, she took some touching photos of the two struggling on the streets. She managed to get a new home for Baby and Cliff is staying in a hotel. Kindly SHARE this story with friends on Facebook if you felt touched! [video_player]

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Contributer : Viral Stories http://ift.tt/2jNXoXL
Homeless Man Requests A Favor From A Stranger Before He Dies, This Left Me Touched! Homeless Man Requests A Favor From A Stranger Before He Dies, This Left Me Touched! Reviewed by mimisabreena on Monday, January 23, 2017 Rating: 5

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