This Is The Concentration Camp You Never Hear About -- The Bone Grinder

Within the World War II chapters of history textbooks, you’re pretty much guaranteed to find at least some mention of the horrible death and destruction that occurred within the walls of concentration camps. These camps were a way for Germany to imprison large amounts of people without trial, and they were simply hell on earth. The camps that get discussed most often are Auschwitz and Belzec, but they pale in comparison to Mauthausen. Located approximately 12 miles east from the city of Linz in northern Austria, Mauthausen might just be the harshest concentration camp to ever exist. During its seven...

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This Is The Concentration Camp You Never Hear About -- The Bone Grinder This Is The Concentration Camp You Never Hear About -- The Bone Grinder Reviewed by mimisabreena on Monday, January 30, 2017 Rating: 5

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