Confused Hen Roosts Tiny Kittens Thinking They're Chicks Instead

There are so many heartwarming stories out there about animals adopting other animals. Usually this happens when babies have been orphaned through some kind of tragedy. Animals can be so intuitive and recognize babies that need help, even if they're of a completely different species. Some animals, though, are kinda dumb. The story of a hen adopting some kittens who didn't need her help is just too funny not to share. A farmer wandered into the chicken coop one morning to see this hen roosting on top of four baby kittens. Imgur / virnovus Read More: Dog Saves His Friend...

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Confused Hen Roosts Tiny Kittens Thinking They're Chicks Instead Confused Hen Roosts Tiny Kittens Thinking They're Chicks Instead Reviewed by mimisabreena on Wednesday, February 08, 2017 Rating: 5

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