Hilarious “Meitu” Transformations Taking Over The Internet By Storm! (26 Photos)

Have you tried this magnificent Meitu app yet? Well, I’m not gonna say you should, because, apparently, it requires quite a set of suspicious permissions to be installed on your phone, but if you’re up for a little gambling, give this Chinese app a spin!

The app itself has a fairly straight forward concept: take a selfie, apply numerous filters, transformations, sprinkle the pic with some Meitu magic, and – boom! – you look like an anime character now! Not gonna lie, this does sound super fun, and internet has been having a lot of fun with pictures of celebs, politicians, movie and video game characters, turning even the most intimidating killing machines like the Hulk and Vladimir Putin into a blushing kawaii mess.

Ready or not, these 26 Meitu-fied photos will hit you where it hurts – straight to the heart, of course. Enjoy!



1. DiCaprio isn’t the worst-looking guy out there, but this is just too much.
meitu-angelic-beauty-app-celebrity-transformation (1)



2. Pretty sure this is Leslie Nielsen. Or at least his much handsomer brother.
meitu-angelic-beauty-app-celebrity-transformation (2)



3. Slap a pair of boos on this chick, and I’ll think about it.
meitu-angelic-beauty-app-celebrity-transformation (3)

4. Trump the Angelic or the new Joker?
meitu-angelic-beauty-app-celebrity-transformation (4)



5. Vova Putin looks like the worst-camouflaged drag queen ever.
meitu-angelic-beauty-app-celebrity-transformation (5)



6. And so does Obama, to be fair.
meitu-angelic-beauty-app-celebrity-transformation (6)



7. Ellen, is that you? Why are you wearing chef’s attire?
meitu-angelic-beauty-app-celebrity-transformation (7)

Contributer Brain Berries http://ift.tt/2kjG2PX

Hilarious “Meitu” Transformations Taking Over The Internet By Storm! (26 Photos) Hilarious “Meitu” Transformations Taking Over The Internet By Storm! (26 Photos) Reviewed by mimisabreena on Wednesday, February 08, 2017 Rating: 5

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