This Mom's Video About How She's Failing At Parenting Is So True, And So, So Funny

Do you ever feel like other moms have it more together than you do? You know the moms I'm talking about -- the ones who pack perfect, Pinterest-inspired lunches for their kids and always remember to bake cookies (with no peanuts, wheat, gluten, or dairy!) for play dates. Their hair, nails, and clothes are always impeccable, their children behave excellently, and their homes are ridiculously clean. Then, there's the rest of us -- moms like Melissa Radke. She openly admits that her kids can be annoying. Facebook / Melissa Radke She falls behind on laundry... Facebook / Melissa Radke ...makes...

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This Mom's Video About How She's Failing At Parenting Is So True, And So, So Funny This Mom's Video About How She's Failing At Parenting Is So True, And So, So Funny Reviewed by mimisabreena on Wednesday, February 08, 2017 Rating: 5

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