Elephants run to greet a rescued baby elephant because yes, they are better than us


Can we please return to the stage of evolution when elephants, not humans, ruled the earth?

A new video from the Save the Elephants Foundation features a group of elephants rushing to meet a new rescued baby elephant, "Dok Geaw," at Elephant Nature Park. Dok Geaw is almost two years old and far cuter than any human two-year-olds I know.

Elephants are known for being deeply social and empathic creatures. It's not just anthropomorphism!

Watch 'n cry.

More about Watercooler, Viral Videos, Baby Animals, Elephants, and Watercooler

COntributer : Mashable http://ift.tt/2sebJxu

Elephants run to greet a rescued baby elephant because yes, they are better than us Elephants run to greet a rescued baby elephant because yes, they are better than us Reviewed by mimisabreena on Tuesday, May 30, 2017 Rating: 5

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