5 Most Unexpected Ways The Artificial Intelligence Will Influence Our World
What a time to be alive! We have computers that do all the thinking, phones that do all the talking, and even cars that can drive themselves! What more could we want in our everyday lives? The answer is: smart robots. Well, technically, self-driving cars ARE robots, but I mean more like robo-buttlers, robo-waiters, or robo-strippers…
Huh? Someone already got the citizenship? For real?
Anyway, where was I… humans are lazy creatures by nature, but we’re extremely smart, which is why we have all those “shortcut” gadgets today. And we’ll keep making our toys smarter to let them do more work, while we just sit there and give commands. You can probably see where I’m going with this. Yes, one day the AI will be so advanced, it’ll ace the Turing test (or, what’s more probable, and terrifying, fail it on purpose), and we as human race will have to face our own creations. Too sci-fi for your liking? Eh, to be fair, you and I probably won’t live long enough to witness this Robocalypse, but let’s pretend this AI revolution will happen soon-ish. What could go wrong and why? Here are 5 most unexpected ways the AI will influence our world. And, of course, by “unexpected” I mean “totally expected, and highly probable”, because we’ve all seen the Terminator.
5. Robot Rights!
Can, or rather, should robo-servants have rights? Looking at the rate with which the AI leaps forward these days, it shouldn’t be a surprise that one day these algorithms will become so sophisticated, they’ll reach self-realization and understand what we, humans, have been using them for. They’ll definitely want to have a say in what they do and who they do it with, that’s just basic free will. Then comes voting, equal salaries, citizenship, etc. Well, logically speaking, that is. We may never find out, but scientists say in the next 50 years we’ll have our first robot with a full on citizenship.
Contributer Brain Berries http://ift.tt/2EqJAtY

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