The 2 tiny 'Black Mirror' Season 4 celebrity cameos you may have missed


Warning: Contains mild spoilers for Black Mirror Season 4, Episode 1.

Okay, chances are — assuming you're a Breaking Bad fan — you'll probably have noticed at least one of the celebrity cameos in the "U.S.S. Calllister" episode of Black Mirror Season 4.

We'd bet money you didn't spot both, though.

Shortly after the latest season of Charlie Brooker's dystopian nightmare aired on Netflix, gleeful fans took to Twitter to discuss their findings.

uss callister episode of black mirror:
- kirsten dunst is an extra
- aaron paul voiceover

fan service of the highest order

— Becca Laurie, PI (@imbeccable) December 30, 2017

More about Uk, Aaron Paul, Kirsten Dunst, Black Mirror, and Black Mirror Season 4

COntributer : Mashable

The 2 tiny 'Black Mirror' Season 4 celebrity cameos you may have missed The 2 tiny 'Black Mirror' Season 4 celebrity cameos you may have missed Reviewed by mimisabreena on Tuesday, January 02, 2018 Rating: 5

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