John Mayer served up the #KyloRenChallenge and the internet took him up on it


Of all the OMG moments in The Last Jedi, the most memeworthy has to be Kylo Ren's beefcake moment. 

And the internet being what it is, it wasn't about to let such a golden opportunity slip by. 

John Mayer, apparently deciding that Kylo Ren's body was a wonderland that he had to try and recreate at home, has taken it upon himself to spearhead the #KyloRenChallenge. 

Just like his hero, he took off his shirt and put on a pair of extremely high-waisted black pants. Then he shared the results on Instagram. Read more...

More about Star Wars, John Mayer, Star Wars The Last Jedi, Entertainment, and Celebrities

COntributer : Mashable

John Mayer served up the #KyloRenChallenge and the internet took him up on it John Mayer served up the #KyloRenChallenge and the internet took him up on it Reviewed by mimisabreena on Tuesday, January 02, 2018 Rating: 5

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