59-Year-Old Chinese Man Works Out For 20 Years to Fight His Cancer

A Chinese man who has been regularly going to the gym and keeping himself in top shape appears to be taking a mighty stand in his decades-long battle against cancer.

Wu Qihang has been fighting the disease for around 20 years since he was diagnosed with bladder cancer in 1996. Not willing to give up, he subjected himself to radiation therapy and other treatments which later made significant impacts on his body, and not all of them good.


To take back control of his body, Wu began a strenuous exercise regimen,  took his dog climbing, walked long distances and went on long hikes by himself. In time, he was able to overcome his depression and regained his peace of mind. And then later, in 2010, doctors would tell him he had lung cancer.


Wu, who is now at 59 years old, had reportedly undergone 19 surgeries with doctors consistently telling him he may soon lose his life, reported CCTV News. However, he shows no signs of giving up.

He has continued to push on, trying all types of sports to keep himself active. His daily regimen includes working out in the gym for two hours. He also practices the Chinese martial art of Cha Quan every day. Every weekend, he bikes around a local forest park.


Throughout his painful battle with the big C, Wu has stayed optimistic by saying that he doesn’t want other people to even treat him like a patient. He believes that even at his weakest, he just needs to will himself to rise up and recover as soon as possible.

The post 59-Year-Old Chinese Man Works Out For 20 Years to Fight His Cancer appeared first on NextShark.

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59-Year-Old Chinese Man Works Out For 20 Years to Fight His Cancer 59-Year-Old Chinese Man Works Out For 20 Years to Fight His Cancer Reviewed by mimisabreena on Saturday, August 27, 2016 Rating: 5

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