Little Boy Will Lose 75% Of His Eyesight Because Of Small Toy You Probably Have In Your House

If you have one of these around you better get rid of it fast

#1 Danger In The Home

You may not realize how dangerous this device is. Some may even think it is a toy, but really it may cause permanent blindness.

#2 Toy?

The boy had stared at a laser pointer. The family didn't report he experienced any pain, but began having trouble seeing.

#3 Optometrist Called

Optometrist Ben Armitage was called by the 14-year-old boy’s family physician to investigate why the boy was having difficulty with seeing. It soon became clear.

#4 Macular

It apparently affected his macular and the damage will be permanent.

#5 High Power

The parents had recently purchased a super high power laser and were irresponsible in letting him use the device.

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Little Boy Will Lose 75% Of His Eyesight Because Of Small Toy You Probably Have In Your House Little Boy Will Lose 75% Of His Eyesight Because Of Small Toy You Probably Have In Your House Reviewed by mimisabreena on Monday, August 22, 2016 Rating: 5

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