No One Wanted This Black Cat Or Senior Dog, But Then They Found Each Other

At the Gunyah Animal Healing Sanctuary in Victoria, Australia, a kind woman named Kathy has been taking in unwanted animals since 2010. Over the years, she's given dogs, cats, and even goats second chances at life. Some are old, injured, or simply discarded by their humans, but with love and gentle care, these animals find new reasons to live. She's seen a lot in six years, but she admits that she's never witnessed anything like the friendship between Tahlia the black cat and Jemelda the senior dog. Read More: When Their Owners Met At The Dog Park, These Pups Fell...

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No One Wanted This Black Cat Or Senior Dog, But Then They Found Each Other No One Wanted This Black Cat Or Senior Dog, But Then They Found Each Other Reviewed by mimisabreena on Wednesday, October 26, 2016 Rating: 5

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