Scentsy Review – Good Scents and Consultants Or Scam?

Scentsy Reviews

Company: Scentsy
Founders: Orville and Heidi Thompson

Welcome to my review of Scentsy review.

I want to take the time to congratulate you because you are doing the right thing by doing research before joining any online business opportunity.

There are so many out there and most of them lack the fundamental needs of affiliates or members.

This review will focus on the legitimacy of the Scentsy and whether or not it can make you money.

Those are the most important two things because any review that focuses on anything other than that isn’t an honest review.

Don’t fall for the sales pitches that you will see on YouTube or Facebook because they are done by people that have joined the business.

They will tell you anything to make a sale including leave out important information.

I will be mostly focusing on the information provided on the Better Business Bureau database because Sentsy has been accredited since 2009.

I will also provide a brief overview, product description and compensation section.

By the end of the review you should be able to make the right decision for you.

Anyway, let’s get started

Scentsy Overview – What Is It?

Scentsy launched in 2004 by Orville and Heidi Thompson and is headquartered in Meridian Idaho, USA.

It also has distribution centers in Coppell TX, Lexington KY, & Warsaw, Poland.

According to the main website and other reviews, the wax is produced in Meridian, Idaho and the products are available in the USA, Puerto Rico, Guam, Germany, Canada, Ireland & the UK.

There are over one thousand employees and well over 200k consultants & members worldwide.

It is also important to note that BBB has them registered in the following categories: Business Consultants, Party Plans – In-Home and Multi-Level Selling Companies.

The reason I am listing this information is because some companies will try and weasel out of the being listed as an MLM because of the negative connotation.

Let’s go ahead and look at their products.

Products & Services

Ok, to put it mildly, there are a lot of products so I will only compile a list of categories.
If you want to check out all of their products follow the link HERE.

• Diffusers
• Make a Scene Warmer
• Tabletop Nightlight Bases
• Warmers
• Warmer Accessories
• Scent Storage Box

• Bars
• Car Bars
• Natural & Essential Oil
• Room Sprays
• Scent Circles
• Scent Paks
• Travel Tins

• Counter Clean
• Hand Soap
• Kitchen Soap
• Scentsy Fresh

• Clothing Conditioner
• Dryer Disks
• Laundry Liquid
• Washer Whiffs

• Find Fragrance Roller
• Velvet Hand Cream
• Whipped Body Souffle
• Moisturizing Body Bar

• Cream Shave Soap
• Refreshing Face Balm
• Shampoo, Shave and Shower Bar
• Nourishing Skin Conditioner

• Scentsy Sidekicks
• Bath Smoothie
• Scrubby Buddies
• Buddy Clips
• Kids Warmers
• Kids Scentsy Bars
• Kids Scent Paks
• Buddies
• Kids Diffusers
• Kids 100% Natural Oils

Before we look at the compensation plan, I wanted to post a comment so that you can see some issues that may arise if you become a consultant.
Scentsy Income Opportunity Reviews

Compensation Plan

Here is an image of the payout from the Scentsy compensation plan.
Scentsy Compensation Plan Reviews
Like all of the other MLMs, you get paid through commissions and recruiting people to the program.

To be honest this is one of the smallest compensation plan layouts I’ve seen.

I have seen some better and some worse than this company.

The problem is that times may be tough for consultants so they may resort to corrupt methods of gaining ranks, which pay more.
Scentsy Reviews Complaints
Let’s take a look at what BBB has to say about Scentsy.

Better Business Bureau (BBB)

The first thing I always look at it is the BBB database because you can gain a lot of valuable information on the company.

For example, take a look at the image below and notice that Scentsy has a grade of A+.
This means that the company is excellent at dealing with customer issues; at least according to BBB.

The image also tells us that Scentsy is accredited with BBB since 2009.

This is important because not all companies are.

To be perfectly honest, out of 100 or so reviews I have done, only a handful of them have bothered with become accredited with BBB.

Here is the link to the BBB/Scentsy Page so you can check out all of the complaints for yourself.

I am more interested with the customer reviews.

There are 2 conducted, one good and one bad. Let’s take a look at both of them for the sake of objectivity.

Scentsy Negative Reviews

As you can see, both of the comments are from totally different spectrum’s.

One is saying the company is great, the other company is saying that the products they received are of poor quality and that this is something new.

Could this mean that as the company grows, the quality of the product is compromised?

This is not surprising because many companies have also done the same thing.

What I Don’t Like About Scentsy

I have read hundreds of reviews and testimonies, both good and bad. In this section I usually present as many as possible but one testimonial in general brought up a lot of issues all in one.

So I will paraphrase as best I can so that you can see the bigger picture.

The comment is from a consultant in Canada who states that this is not a good way of making money on the side because she ran into a lot of problems.

Here is how the story goes.

This lady realized that after she became a consultant, she realized that there were a lot of other consultants in her city, making it really hard for her to recruit others into her business.

This also became hard because she was going to have to surrender all of her free time into doing this which should be assumed in my opinion.

MLMs are never “get rich quick,” unless you are the founder or top sales person.

This woman made her own business cards, passed out catalogues and gave away many free samples.

She also spent the vast majority of her personal time in complete saleswoman mode because if someone asked what she did, she would have a sales pitch ready.

What is also crazy is that most of the people that were able to find success with Scentsy have been building up their clientele for at least a few years.

She also noticed that this overtook her other job because she was using her valuable time, preparing the scentsy orders, driving around in traffic all day to deliver orders and hosting parties, that no one reallywants to set up or actually attend.

This consultant began to get really frustrated and started doing research.

She found out the Scentsy products aren’t even 100% natural.

According to this consultant, the company uses petroleum by-products and not pure wax.

The consultant also said that on bad months, she lost money because she still had to maintain her active account.

You do this by paying a monthly charge and also buying at least 150 dollars worth of products every few months.

The consultant finishes by saying that her venture with Scentsy was a waste of time because no one mentioned that this business can take years before you make any kind of livable wage.

Here is where I come in.

She specifically said that she did research after joining and this is a fatal mistake.

I want to go on the record of saying that this is one of the most distasteful problems with ALL MLMs.

There is no such thing as a get rich quick MLM.

There never will be either.

They are designed to help out the original sales reps and the newbies are forced to pick up the table scraps.

This is the brutal truth with MLMs. The design is flawed no matter how you look at it.

If you look at any Income Disclosure Statement from any MLM, you will notice one thing very quickly.

Roughly 60-70% of all representative swill make little to no money at all.

The other thing you will see is that around 1% of all consultants participating in the compensation plan make a livable wage and that they have been in the business for 2-3 years.

Here is a list of many other complaints about Scentsy Products. They cover many different aspect of the company.

The Final Verdict

Well, since I don’t make any recommendations in regards to whether or not you should join, I will say this…

Scentsy is not a scam.

It has products and a compensation plan.

This does not mean that I endorse the company or think that the products are great but I am willing to say that if the company was a scam, it would have been shut down by now.

With that being said, I want to address the problems that surround companies that pay people through recruiting others through the business.

95% or more people fail at doing MLMs successfully because they have no idea how to recruit.

What makes things worse is that even if you are a recruiting beast, you still have bad stretches that can spell doom to you.

I guess this means that you need to rely on others things in order to make a decent living online.

This is why I only recommend you better yourself and your skill set by getting some training.

There are plenty of great training programs out there and some provide you with the skills to create your own business.

This is great because all of the power is with you.

If you want to read about one of the training program I am talking about, take a look at this review.

If you have any experience with Scentsy, would like to ask a question or leave a comment, feel free to fill out the form below.

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Scentsy Review – Good Scents and Consultants Or Scam? Scentsy Review – Good Scents and Consultants Or Scam? Reviewed by mimisabreena on Wednesday, October 26, 2016 Rating: 5

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