Zukul Review – Big Scam Alert or Legit MLM?

Zukul Reviews

Company: Zukul

Website: https://zukul.com/
Founders: Jeremy Rush & Michael Bloom

Welcome to my review of Zukul.

I am glad you are reading this review because it will help provide you with everything you need to know about Zukul.

Our relationship is quite simple; you need to know about companies and I research them and condense a lot of information into a review.

There is no doubt that by the end of ths review, you will be able to answer these three questions.

1.Is Zukul a legitimate online business opportunity?
2.Can a new MLMer (newbie) succeed with Zukul?
3.Is this company in it for the long haul or a pop-up scam?

The way I will do that is by starting with an overview of the company and its founders.

Then I will introduce the product & service line, the compensation plan breakdown.

Since Zukul is not in the Better Business Bureau database, I will simply provide an equal number of positive and negative comments provided by customers and affiliates.

At the end, I will recap all of these things you need to worry about in regards to this company.

The final verdict will not recommend whether or not to join but instead tell you what you need to do if you want to have a chance at succeeding in the MLM world.

Trust me, there are so many things that can go wrong and if you are knew to the game, no one is going to walk you through the process.

That is where I come in. I will at least be able to show you why so many newbies fail at MLMs and hopefully prevent you from making a huge mistake.

I can’t wait to get started, so without further ado, Zukul.

Zukul Overview – Who is Running the Show?

Zukul Jeremy Rush Reviews

A lot of other 3rd party reviews do a brief overview because the products and compensation plan seem to be the only thing that people care about.

That is not what you get with my review because you can tell a lot about a company by learning about the leadership.

Let’s face it, if the leadership is poor, the company isn’t worth a dime and will most likely fold after a year or so.

This is why I thing it is important to show you what the company wants you to see, and what the company does not want you to see.

Let’s give it a look shall we?

In 2014, Jeremy Rush and Michael Bloom launched Zukul.

In short, the company offers marketing tools and other online performance tools to help you maximize your business potential.

At a quick glance this sounds like a great way to help online entrepreneurs maximize profits.

One thing to worry about is the fact that Zukul is supposedly run out of the UK but when you look at the corporate address, red flags shoot into the sky like it was Independence Day.

The PO Box is from British Anguilla which is a known tax haven and disregards consumer protection laws due to corporate friendly regulation and privacy rights of major corporations.

If you aren’t a little worried about that, you should take a look at some of Rush’s other MLM affiliations.

Others have a different opinion of Jeremy Rush because he seems to have his hands in so many MLM cookie jars. Rush is affiliated with following MLMs:

Penny Matrix (Known Recruitment Scheme)
AdhitProfits (Known ROI Ponzi Scheme)
Banner Broker (Known Canadian Ponzi Scheme)
DS Domination (Dropshipping Company)
MMO Cashout (Known Recruitment Scheme)

Several of these MLMs have a horrible reputation and have either been run into the ground or confirmed a scam.

Here is where Zukul and Rush come into the picture. Before we get to Zukul, we have to take a look at a company called Guaranteed Sign Ups.

In short, this company drives traffic to our site for a $49 a month fee, which means that it does not have any service or product to you because it isn’t actually Guaranteed Sign Ups doing the work.

It is a 3rd party service provider that is actually doing the the service for you.

The second that you sing up for Guaranteed Sign Ups, you get Zukul services pitched to you.

You got it, the $50 a month sign up fee with Zukul will provide you with the marketing suite that helps you put Guaranteed Sign Ups to good use.

In fact, Rush makes it seem like you can’t have one without the other.

So now you are paying $100 a month to make these different products work together.

This means that Guaranteed Sign Ups is nothing other than the lead in or “forerunner” company for Zukul. Rush also advertises Zukul as the greatest product that you cannot go without.

The biggest issue I have here is that the training program with Zukul is generic which means everyone that signs up will get the same training.

Simply put, you will be competing with your Zukul buddies trying to promote Guaranteed Sign Ups, which seems redundant.

If you happen to get a few recruits, you will be competing with your own downline.


As promised, here are two comments that show both ends of the spectrum.

Zukul Positive Comment Review

Zukul Negative Comment Review

Products & Services

Zukul Products Review

Aside from the leadership of a company, the products and services are the most important aspect of a company.

If the product is low quality or you cannot market it effectively, then you are doomed to fail.

So let’s take a look the services provided since Zukul has obviously failed at creating any tangible retail products.

As you can see from the image above you can join 3 ways:

Beginner Level – $19.60 Per Month
Intermediate Level – $54.50 Per Month
Advanced Level – $272.50 Per Month

Here is what services are included in the packages.

  • Auto-responder (Included in intermediate level or higher)
  • Video Submission Tool (Included in Advanced level)
  • Banner Creator (Included at intermediate or higher)
  • Viral Blogging System (Included at intermediate level or higher)
  • Social Sniper PRO (Available in all levels)
  • Landing Page Creator (Included at intermediate level or higher)
  • Facebook Ninja Pro (Included in Intermediate level or higher)
  • URL Shortener & Tracker (Included at intermediate level or higher)
  • Modular Tutorial Training (Included in the intermediate Package)

Ok so there you have the packages and all of the services that are provided by Zukul.

Now let’s look at a comment that deal specifically with the products themselves.


Things I Don’t Like About Zukul


As you can see in the first comment, there is a lot to think about.

First the launch took forever, the Zukul Gold was a total flop because it was affiliated with a company I will talk about in the conclusion of this review.

The Ad network server also shutdown on the day it launched which resulted in an embarrassing number of active members.

I mean seriously 1000 active members at launch?

What the…


This comment brings up a good point but I think it fails to mention that the responsibility of using the training properly should be shared between the supplier and the customer.

Look, if you are trying to make money with an online business you should be motivate and obligated to do your fair share.

This does not mean that I disagree with the author of this comment though.

From where I am sitting, it seems like the company suppresses any kind of free thought and motivation to get involved with the process.

Do you really think someone is going to do something they really don’t have to?

I willing to bet the principle of “if it isn’t broken, don’t fix it” applies here.


Although this comment may seem a bit obtuse, it still sheds some light on a major problem with Zukul.

This company and 99% of MLMs are not newbie friendly at all.

The members that joined first are getting in on the goods while the people that got in after are picking up whatever crumbs are left over.

The next issues this comment reveals is that these companies rely on hype to generate a decent showing initially and then slowly dwindle into oblivion.

This is exactly what happened here and the results speak for themselves.

I don’t see this company lasting very long and will fail like most of Rush’s other so called brilliant ideas.

The Final Verdict

OK, I have been really harsh with Zukul and the founder, Rush, because I feel that this company has in no way delivered what it promised and is short of a makeshift ponzi scheme.

The problem is that government regulations allow companies like this to exist with little to no interference.

This means that from a legal standpoint, Zukul is not a scam, just a really shady company headquartered in a tax haven.

I mentioned earlier that I would show you why Zukul Gold was a bust. It is because it is affiliated with a scam called Karatbars International.

I did a KI Review of this scam which grabbed the attention of their leadership because it was so damning.

The last thing that I will say is that there is no way the packages are worth it because you can get similar or better training for FREE on Youtube.

No seriously, there are thousands of training programs that help you with becoming a online business owner.

Not only that, there amazing network marketing training programs that require ZERO recruiting and you can do it for FREE.

Check out this review and see for yourself.

I hope this review of Zukul helped you in some manner.

If you have experience with Zukul, would like to ask a question or leave a comment, feel free to fill out the form below.

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Zukul Review – Big Scam Alert or Legit MLM? Zukul Review – Big Scam Alert or Legit MLM? Reviewed by mimisabreena on Saturday, October 29, 2016 Rating: 5

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