You Want Your Daughters To Feel Safe In College, But Here's Why They Often Can't

On Thursday, October 20, University of Wisconsin Madison student Alec R. Cook was charged with four counts of sexual assault for attacking another student. Since the 20-year-old's arrest, many other women have come forward and reported similar occurrences on campus and in his apartment. One student's report of being inappropriately touched multiple times during class this year brought 15 more counts against him. However, the most disturbing part of this whole situation is that Cook has been keeping lists of potential women to stalk, rape, and even kill.Though Cook has been suspended and banned from the school, the emotional and...

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You Want Your Daughters To Feel Safe In College, But Here's Why They Often Can't You Want Your Daughters To Feel Safe In College, But Here's Why They Often Can't Reviewed by mimisabreena on Saturday, October 29, 2016 Rating: 5

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