8 New TV Shows with the Most Twisted Plots Ever

TV shows have made a huge step forward during the last years in terms of screenwriting, plot twists and special effects. Nowadays, it seems, it’s harder to find a boring show than at least a half-decent one! Yet if you’re a real gourmet when it comes to delicious plot-lines, cliff hangers and carefully written characters, then here’s a list of 8 new TV shows with elaborate plot lines and amazing mysteries that will become a real treat for you.



Channel Zero
If you’re a fan of all things weird and eerie, then this new TV show is definitely for you. Based on the popular creepy pastas, the plot explores the connection between a bizarre children’s show and the disappearance of a few children a decade ago. Paul Schneider plays the child psychologist who returns to his hometown willing to solve the mystery and finally get to the bottom of what happened to his twin brother.

CW’s new drama revolves around a young female detective who manages to connect with her long gone dead via a CB radio. As unpretentious as the premise may sound, the plot is actually quite interesting and is filled with sweet 90s nostalgia. The overall mystery and the incredible father-daughter relationships are well-thought and carefully written, so you’re in for a treat.

Contributer Brain Berries http://ift.tt/2fyCIkM

8 New TV Shows with the Most Twisted Plots Ever 8 New TV Shows with the Most Twisted Plots Ever Reviewed by mimisabreena on Tuesday, November 08, 2016 Rating: 5

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