Former PM Said Musa dies in New York

The Former Prime Minister of Belize has died in New York, the NY Dailies reports.

according to the reports, Said Musa was secretly flown to New York for medical attention.

The report did not state the cause of his death but it added that his money has since been sent to the morgue for autopsy.

A source at the hospital told AJ-TV that Said Musa had already visited the health facility on several occasions.

Another source close to the former PM says he has been secretly battling High Blood Pressure.

Said Musa was a Belizean lawyer and politician. He was the Prime Minister of Belize from 28 August 1998 to 8 February 2008.

He died at 72.

Contributer : Aljazeera TV
Former PM Said Musa dies in New York Former PM Said Musa dies in New York Reviewed by mimisabreena on Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Rating: 5

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