No One Wanted This Cat Because Of How He Looked...Until A Kind Man Gave Him A Forever Home

Looking different can be difficult, even for cats. In 2013, a man in Denmark was looking for a shelter cat to adopt when he stumbled across one that nobody seemed to want. The cat, known as Monty, has a chromosomal abnormality and was born without a nasal bridge. In addition to his flat-faced appearance, he has a weak bladder and is known to wet himself while sleeping. For three years, he'd been languishing in an animal shelter. No one expected him to ever be adopted.The young man, Michael, was unfazed by Monty's uniqueness. What he saw was a gentle, loving...

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No One Wanted This Cat Because Of How He Looked...Until A Kind Man Gave Him A Forever Home No One Wanted This Cat Because Of How He Looked...Until A Kind Man Gave Him A Forever Home Reviewed by mimisabreena on Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Rating: 5

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