17 Things You Shouldn’t Do Abroad!

Best travellers know that each country has its own traditions and it is very important to be aware and to consider them when you are travelling abroad. Below are some travel mistakes people do abroad. Always remember to research your travel destination before leaving.
France – Don’t talk or ask about money (asking about money is impolite in many countries, especially in France).
Ukraine – Don’t give even number of flowers (in most Slavic countries, people bring even number of flowers to the cemeteries).
New Zeland – Don’t honk otherwise you’ll insult people (honking is often intended to insult another drivers).
Japan – Don’t leave tips (provide the best service is normal in Japan, without waiting for the tips).
Mexico – Don’t get offended at locals’ jokes (they love to make jokes and they are really fun).
Norway – Don’t ask about going to church (this question would be rude to ask cause many Norwegians don’t go to church).
Turkey – Don’t show OK gesture cause it’s very offensive (this is an obscene gesture).
UK – Don’t ask how much people earn (this can make people uncomfortable).
Ireland – Don’t try to imitate Irish accent (because they don’t think have any accent at all).
Germany – Don’t congratulate on birthday before the day (Germans believe that the person may not live to the birthday if congratulated before).
Kenya – Don’t call people by name first (wait until someone has called you by the name first).
Chile – Don’t eat with your hands (here manners matter).
Singapore – Don’t eat in public transport, don’t feed birds and don’t throw garbage and don’t spit on the street (also here manners matter).
USA – Don’t forget to leave tips (it is obligatory and there are differences for any service you use).
Italy – Don’t order cappuccino in restaurants (course you can do it, but the waiter will be surprised, because Italians drink cappuccino for breakfast).
Hungary – Don’t click glasses when toasting (it’s an old habit, but some people still prefer to avoid especially when drinking beer).
China – Don’t give clock or umbrella as a present (it is believed this bring bad luck).

The post 17 Things You Shouldn’t Do Abroad! appeared first on Worthytoshare.com.

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17 Things You Shouldn’t Do Abroad! 17 Things You Shouldn’t Do Abroad! Reviewed by mimisabreena on Friday, January 27, 2017 Rating: 5

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