He’s Pretending Like He’s Eating Some Cat Food…. Now Watch How The Cat Responds, Hahaha!!

Cats are just hilarious sometimes, especially when you get to catch funny moments like this!  This guy likes to play with his cat, so one day he thought he’d act like another cat eating from the bowl – the response was unexpected, and TOO funny! After he started acting like he was eating, the cat noticed and says “hey, that’s my food, give it back” just watch those paws, they know how to move the food bowl better than anything else! This is too funny! Just watch the cat’s response below when he tries to eat the cat food… [nextpage title="Watch the video"] [video_player]

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He’s Pretending Like He’s Eating Some Cat Food…. Now Watch How The Cat Responds, Hahaha!! He’s Pretending Like He’s Eating Some Cat Food…. Now Watch How The Cat Responds, Hahaha!! Reviewed by mimisabreena on Friday, January 27, 2017 Rating: 5

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