His Daughter Was Already Hospitalized For A Head Injury, Then He Threw Her Down

Child abuse typically takes place behind closed doors, but when it happens right in front of hospital employees, it makes you wonder what's going on when no one is looking. Earlier this month, Nicole Rose left her 10-month-old baby girl and three-year-old son at home with her husband, Logan Rose, while she went shopping. When she returned, she noticed that the baby had a large, squishy bump on the side of her head. Logan denied any knowledge of the bump, but Nicole knew it was serious. Immediately, the family rushed the hospital. Doctors examined the bump and found that the...

Contributer : ViralNova.com http://ift.tt/2kN7eGg
His Daughter Was Already Hospitalized For A Head Injury, Then He Threw Her Down His Daughter Was Already Hospitalized For A Head Injury, Then He Threw Her Down Reviewed by mimisabreena on Tuesday, January 31, 2017 Rating: 5

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