Man Wins A Voucher To A Buffet, And Who Does He Bring With Him? I Love That!

So this guy, a Reddit user dubbed Stenotrophomonas, was at a casino with his buddies. Just after his friends left, he won a voucher to a buffet. He had no one else to take with him at the moment, so he decided to do something really nice to a stranger. A homeless man found favor on this day! So he takes this homeless guy, Todd, with him to the “all-you-can-eat” buffet, and they had quite a time, with a great feast and stories flowing between them. Turns out, Todd has been homeless for 30 years. He has found it hard to get any benefits from the system because he doesn’t have an address or ID. But on this great day, no one was asking him for IDs or addresses. All he had to do was spend a good time! Please SHARE this wonderful story!

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Contributer : Viral Stories
Man Wins A Voucher To A Buffet, And Who Does He Bring With Him? I Love That! Man Wins A Voucher To A Buffet, And Who Does He Bring With Him? I Love That! Reviewed by mimisabreena on Thursday, January 05, 2017 Rating: 5

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