As It Turns Out, The Maddest Thing About March Isn't Your Basketball Bracket

If there's one thing that makes perfectly normal people turn into TV-obsessed monsters, it's March Madness. But if you're a basketball fan yourself who just can't focus on anything else or you can't seem to pull your husband away from the TV, this little tidbit of insanity will make you feel better about your situation.So what am I talking about? Vasectomies, friends. Because life is weird and nothing makes sense, doctors notice an uptick in vasectomies every year when March Madness rolls around. The reason why is pure "why are humans like this" gold. This increase in male snippage is...

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As It Turns Out, The Maddest Thing About March Isn't Your Basketball Bracket As It Turns Out, The Maddest Thing About March Isn't Your Basketball Bracket Reviewed by mimisabreena on Sunday, March 19, 2017 Rating: 5

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